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Head of Rescue Guild


Alias(es) Mike
Affiliation Rescuers
Role Guild Leader
Usual Location Tao Village (Past)
Species Template:Species
Gender Male
Age Young Adult
Trait A little quick tempered
Nature Rash

Related Stories Mike's Interview
A Deal

Move 1: Template:Move

Move 2: Template:Move

Move 3: Template:Move

Move 4: Template:Move

Michael the Charmeleon, also known as "Mike" or "Mikemander" to many. In his possession is a White Feather that bears resemblance to the feather in Estoc's hat.



According to Syrup in an interview, his egg was found in a lonely nest in the Prismatic Jungle. There were no traces of his blood parents, who would have been around the nest anyways, suggesting that they either abandoned the egg, or a worse fate fell on them. Syrup then took the egg home, intending to consume it. After boiling it, Michael hatched out of the egg, just as Syrup was about to bite into it. Yearning for a child of her own, Syrup decided to take in Michael as her own child.


As Mike was growing up under the care of Syrup, he didn't take too well in the lifestyle of a Rogue, but his skills in adventuring flourished. One day, he was kidnapped by a Scrafty who was trying to make a living off kidnappings and ransom money, and was powerless to save himself or be saved as his mother was currently full with Maple's egg. He was then rescued by a Minccino with a pair of chipped and damaged sunglasses, and the experience of being rescued was what made Mike want to become a Rescuer.

Even though Mike was determined not to be raised as a Rogue, he learned many adventuring skills from his mom, including her sure-fire Flamethrower attack.

Tao Village

Mike was tired of being forced to learn the sneaky tactics and measures that went along with being a Rogue, so he decided to leave for Tao Village in search of the Rescuers' Guild. Full of aspiration, he was equally full of naivety as well. After being swindled by PK, signed into a contract with Devonshire, and nearly having become lunch for Gunpowder, Mike was down on his luck when Chill spotted him. After being renewed with vigor, Mike would agree to become Chill's lifelong partner and co-leader of the Rescuers.


Chill's indebted partner as part of the Guild Leaders for the Rescuers. He is the son of Syrup and brother to Maple.

Missions and Events

Mission 1

Mike's hat gets stolen by a Scrafty called Almond, and he issues out a mission request to all the Rescuers to go and obtain his hat back. Eventually, the Rescuers succeed in re-obtaining Mike's hat from Almond.

Mission 2

Chill orders Mike to go with willing Rescuers to rescue the kidnapped Sapling Villagers from Merlot, who resides in Castle Draclugia. Mike momentarily gets captured by Merlot, and forced to wear a frilly maid dress. However, with the efforts of the other Rescuers, he frees the Sapling Villagers and they escape Draclugia Castle.

Event 2

After losing his fireworks in Creeping Forest, Zhu was guided by PK to Mike and Chill where they told him they could help but to go to the Rogues to find his bag. He then got teams to help retrieve the fireworks.

Mission 3

Mike receives a letter from his mother, stating that they are coming over to Tao Village in order to accept a trophy for Rogue recognition. Fearing that Syrup would be persuaded to stay in Tao Village, he organizes Rescuers to assist him in crashing the Rogue party. It fails, but after talking with Syrup, she was persuaded by Mike to go back to her home and not stay in Tao Village any longer. Mike's sister, however, decides to stay and live with Mike after falling in love with Chill.

Event 3

Mike develops a fever from the ancient ice dragon, Kyurem.

A Deal

Having recovered from his cold, Mike decided to head to the Spinda Cafe to spend his monthly allowance on a sundae. Unfortunately, both Shroomsworth and PK had entered the cafe and sat next to him. When Vertigo finally showed up with Mike's order, the Spinda accidentally brought it to the pair, bringing the Charmander to their attention. PK proceeded to swallow Mike's ice cream in a single gulp. Before Mike could fully express his anger, Shroomsworth invited him to join for from tea and biscotti. Their brief meeting didn't go very well; Mike was unaccustomed to such a snack, causing PK to poke fun at him and Shroomsworth to react at his lack of manners. Even though the Breloom spoke of paying the bill, PK left the cafe shortly after talking to a Rogue team and urged Shroomsworth to quickly follow, despite his broken leg. Mike had to dig in deep to pay for their imported tea and his sundae.

Mike went straight to the Merchant Hut to speak with PK about their bill, but before he could bring up the subject, his sister, Maple, appeared and dragged him to PK's room to meet her new friend. Sandy wasn't very talkative to the Charmander (she even growled at him before Maple introduced him as her brother) and only gave out short responses to his attempt to make a conversation, but Mike quickly realized this was the Deino who did away from a notorious bandit. Once Shroomsworth got PK to stop yelling, the Kecleon took Mike into another room to talk business. PK began to list all of Mike's debts and added the need to pay for his sister's citizenship fee, even though he never had to pay such a fee when he first arrived to the village. As PK went on and on, Mike's rage, and his tail flame, grew to the point where he nearly punched the Kecleon. Luckily, Shroomsworth stepped in and reminded Mike that was not the gentleman thing to do. Heeding his words, Mike threaten to tell Chuck about PK's new citizenship fee and her dine 'n dash at the cafe unless she allowed his sister to stay in the village and be Sandy's friend. Not wanting any sort of scandal, she agreed. Mike left the hut quite satisfied with his deal.

Mission 4

After recovering from his fever he finally lets Maple travel with Chill to Snowy Village. Mike then instructs teams to find evidence about the Kyurem, Sorbet in Merlot's library and to help out Tao Ranch where Udon is taking Ovaltine hostage.

Mission 5

After witnessing the Rescuer's Headquarters suffer massive damage due to Kyurem's rampage, he quickly accused Shroomsworth of the Merchants plotting the destruction of Tao Village. He was informed that this was not the case, and ended up help to evacuate Tao Ranch with Sandy.

Once everyone was safely evacuated to the tunnels, Mike was reunited with Chrysanthos and Shroomsworth. With their help, he guided everyone safely through and into Merlot's library, despite Shroomsworth's misgivings about the rogues and Devonshire's suspicious tunnel.

Mission 6

After finding the Rescuer's treehouse in ruins, Mike approached PK about getting it repaired. It turned out he hadn't paid the insurance last month, and so she refused. He consulted Devonshire for a solution, but there was nothing that could be done despite having paid for years. Mike had a breakdown after this and left the village for Gambitville to get his mother's (Syrup's) advise.


Mike had reached his childhood home exhausted and alone and rested until his mother's return. He was awoken by the sound of a wounded Syrup carrying a freshly killed Tauros. Despite some confusion over his abrupt visit, the Charmander was given a warm welcome, was immersed into his mother's old rogue environment, and was told to stay as long as he needed to come to grips with being the new leader of his guild.

After a night of experimenting with his mother's homemade spirits and spilling his troubles as a new leader and lonely singleton, Mike had a surreal dream of being consumed in an intense heart before two massive blue eyes.

The next day comprised of training and swapping stories. Mike learned of Syrup's past relationship with a Ponyta named Cybil, how that relationship's end eventually lead to Syrup's evolution, and was asked when his time would come to evolve. The question became a driving force for Mike to train harder during his stay.

That following week, Syrup and Mike ran errands in Gambitville and came across Opal asking her employer for a day off to find gems, a tidbit Syrup got out of the girl after she was called to help them. Mike found the Seviper strangely alluring compared to others he had encountered in the past, and he helped gather the supplies his mother listed for the three of them to go to the Sandsong Desert to dig.

Mike and Opal were deep in the desert's tunnels when they were visited by a Haunter wearing a large ornamental hat. The ghost was Opal's deceased father, and he was shooed away by Syrup before he could do any serious harm to Opal. After the incident, both Mike and Opal voiced their feelings for one another over dinner.

After their return, Mike and Syrup had to assist Opal in leaving town to avoid another attack by Gold. She spent the night in their home, and left with Mike to Tao the following day.

Event 6.1

Mike returned to Tao Village, bringing along with him Opal from Gambitville. He brought along some gems to repay PK for rebuilding the treehouse, however, he found out that wasn't needed since she had nothing to do with rebuilding the Rescuer's headquarters. Malt was bringing Mike up to speed on what had happened to the village and its residence during his leave when Jasmine appeared in front of the two. The Celebi told all the guild leaders to gather everyone in the village and begin planting seeds in the surrounding area.

Event 6.2

After Jasmine failed to show up and bloom all the seeds the villagers had planted, a Zorua child appears, telling PK and the others that her mother had kidnapped the green fairy and was planning on killing her. Mike led the Rescuers and Merchants through the Illusory Forest and surrounded Shade, awaiting on PK's signal to attack.

Mission 7

Mike, along with Master Foo, Vertigo, and some members of the Merchant guild, found himself in the Prismatic Jungle and had to rescue Sherri from the grasps of one of Tivoli's men. Once Sherri was safe, Mike stayed behind in the jungle while the rest headed to Monochrome Tower because his tail flame had grown and would tip off Tivoli where the villagers were.

Once alone in the jungle, the tyrant quickly caught up to Charmander and began to threaten him. Mike evolved, attacked Tivoli, giving him a scar on his stomach, and was able to make his way to Monochrome Tower to meet with the others.

Event 7

Mike met up with the others in a mysterious village filled with Zoroark who resemble Shade, though these villagers appeared to be pacifists. Jasmine suddenly appeared to feel better and attempted to take everyone back into the present, but fell short of her goal and collapsed. The group found themselves in Tao Village but still too far back in the past, when PK's grandfather, Micle (also known as Grand Kec), was in charge. Realizing that the group was not from around here, or from this time, the Kecleon suggested everyone to write a letter to their friends in the present, which he would then store in a large green "time box". Mike decided to write a letter to both Maple and Fresnel.

Mission 8

After the events of the previous night, Mike entered the Grand Kec's quarters to inform PK of Jasmine's condition. He was met with backlash on his decision to pose as the purple Kecleon's husband to deter Micle from attempting anything with her and his ineptitude as a guild leader.

He left Tao with Micle to collect sap from the Tree of Life and help aid Jasmine's affliction. On the way, he was treated to the rest of Micle's story from the previous night, which led to the Grand Kec revealing the key ingredients for his ponchos. The reveal left the Charmeleon disgusted.

Once they arrived at the tree, their objective was made clear that they had to kill the guardian in order to collect sap for Jasmine. Despite wanting to maintain a diplomatic approach, Mike couldn't convince Ceylon from his decision to fight to the death.

Mike and guild members helped Micle kill the guardian, but as Ceylon was dying, the Shaymin was able to get a good look at Mike and uttered his final words: "I found you". These words left Mike uneasy for days.

As they returned to the village after the raid, Mike panicked as he saw the sap wasn't taking effect on Jasmine immediately. Both Micle and Dr. Quaak told the Charmeleon that the effect should start showing in a few days. He left to his tent, only to trip over a sleeping PK. However, it quickly became clear to the two that the Kecleon had lost her eyesight. Mike head over to Micle's room for a reason, but accidentally walked into an intimate moment with Brooke. After hearing the reason for the blindness, Mike left and reassured PK all will be well. The next day, Mike entered the medical tent, only to find a little Kanga crying for her now deceased father. As Cheryl comforted the child, Mike was told to tell Brooke of his death and prepare a ceremony. He asked Brooke where Micle was, but was told it was none of his business to know. Mike was frustrated with the Grand Kec for there was enough sap leftover that could have saved Perry. Mike went over to PK to tell her this and the truth about the ingredients of the ponchos. Their discussion eventually lead to the current locations of the ponchos in their time. The crystalline poncho, as it turns out, was in Gambitville at the old abandoned home of Agave, not far from Mike's childhood home. Later at night, Mike would tell PK of the words Ceylon said to him and left to help Devonshire dig his tunnel. The following night, PK and Devonshire joined Mike in his dig as PK talked of her childhood, her previous encounter with Twigs, and her current relationship with Anana. As PK cried, Mike offered her comforting words and encouraged her to change her ways to avoid similar conflicts in the future. It was then decided the three leaders would meet the following day to talk to Shade and figure out what mysterious force was behind all attacked on the village.
