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(super detailed M8 prologue summary added)
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Devonshire later warns Micle against the use of his "garments", for the sake of his health. Micle ignores him.
Devonshire later warns Micle against the use of his "garments", for the sake of his health. Micle ignores him.
Devonshire mentions he needs to visit a certain location, now that he can freely roam.
Devonshire mentions he needs to visit a certain location, now that he can freely roam.
===Mission 8===
While stuck in the past, Devonshire is able to move in and out of Tao Village freely. He takes advantage of the opportunity by traveling to [[Castle Draclugia]]. On his way to the castle, he runs into a [[Blot|disfigured Zoroark]], who attempted to trick the Sableye with his illusions. When he attempted to confront the Zoroark, Devonshire was attack, although not harmed. He calls Devonshire a "cardinal" and rambles on how he needs to serve his master, but Devonshire has no idea who he was referring to. He leaves the Zoroark and continues his journey to the castle.
Upon arriving, Devonshire made his way to the library in hopes of finding the information he was looking for. While reading papers left on Shinar's desk, a Marowak caught the Sableye and demanded to see his library card. That Marowak was Devonshire back when he was alive, though his back then was just Devon. He was able to convince himself who he was and asked for his assistance in finding the information he needed. Devon agreed to help and took the Sableye to his room. Devonshire answered any questions Devon asked him, such as how it felt like to die, which the Sableye reassured himself that is was incredibly easy and he won't screw it up. Devon also revealed why he and his men were are Castle Draclugia in the first place; search for the reason why [[Dandelo]] went missing. Devonshire told Devon about everything he experienced in his life, everything that may help the Marowak in his search. When he mentioned the golden-eyed Zoroark, Devon insisted on going back to the library to speak with Shinar. On their way to the library while Devon distracts two of his men for his future self to sneak through, Devonshire is spotted by a much younger [[Merlot]]. To avoid making a huge scene about an intruder, Devonshire tells the young Lugia that he was one of Devon's spy and is able to sneak away.
The two enter the library and ask Shinar to find any information about a tribe of golden-eyed Zoroark who lived in the area East of the castle. While waiting for the Abra to show up, the two discuss on how could the tribe went from being pacifist to hostile in such a short time. Shinar appeared with the small amount of information on the tribe in hand and was shocked to see and hear about Devon and Devonshire. After reassuring the Abra he meant no harm, Devonshire began to read a scroll on the tribes rituals. What he read was quite disturbing. The author of the scroll had successfully contacted the tribe and was able to study their ways for a short period of time. However, during the night, the author began to experience horrible nightmares about the tribe and how its peaceful members intended to do harm on him. After consulting with an elder, the author was allowed to participate in a ritual that would get rid of the nightmares, but upon learning more about the ritual, the author ran away. In order to stop the nightmares, he had to appease the Zoroark's god, Darkrai, and sacrifice a part of his body. After reading the scroll, Devonshire began to recall the moments shortly after beginning his new life as a Sableye, imagining himself playing a lute, being attacked and killing his attackers, and finally, finding his cape and a card that read "Devon Shire Cr."
Once he snapped out of his memory, Devonshire told Devon to find a lute, play a song, and read everything he could find on the tribe. He then left the castle and made his way back to Tao Village. On his way, he tried to look for Blot once again, but was only able to find the bandages that covered him and presumed the Zoroark was no longer among the living.
==See Also==
==See Also==

Revision as of 22:34, 20 January 2013



Affiliation Rogues
Role Guild Leader
Usual Location ???
Species Template:Species
Gender Male
Age Unknown
Trait Somewhat stubborn
Nature Quiet

Move 1: Template:Move

Move 2: Template:Move

Move 3: Template:Move

Move 4: Template:Move

Devonshire the Sableye is the questionable leader of the Rogues. Quiet and ominous, he does little of the gruntwork needed to further his yet unknown goals, trusting the direction of his partner Gunpowder.



The Beginning

Not much is known about Devonshire. Repeated attempts to contact him for interviews are nearly always met with rejection. Kathy managed to secure one once, but it did not end well.

Devonshire's home is somewhat of a mystery, as no one has ever claimed to see where he retires for the night. His first date of residence within Tao Village is unknown as well; he's been there as long as anyone can remember.

Tao Village

As long as anyone can remember, Devonshire has owned and operated a building with the business name of "Devonshire Law Firm". This building has, for the longest time, appeared to be abandoned and closed for business. Devonshire insists that this is not the case and will gladly accept new clients who desire any form of legal counseling. It is no surprise how he manages to stay in business with the huge market he monopolizes. Recently, he has often been seen with a strange Cubone, who he claims to have a great fondness for.

However, through recent developments, it has been discovered that Devonshire had worked closely with Palette in order to find out about a Zoroark who regularly vandalized Tao Village. Palette was eventually taken out of that line of work temporarily with Pal's coercion.

Missions and Events

Mission 1

Devonshire was absent for the duration of Mission 1. He claims he was attempting to quell disputes some of his guild members had been having with some of the members of the Rescuer's guild. The threat of Devonshire's imminent presence is usually enough to stifle any quarrel, so one wonders what it could have been!

Mission 2

Devonshire's involvement with Mission 2 was lacking, at best. He ordered among other things the safe return of his stamp, which he normally uses to prove authenticity of any letter allegedly coming from him. The recovery of this item was extremely important, as the Slasher Gang could have easily caused political turmoil with it.

Mission 3

Deeming this mission important enough to require his full attention, Devonshire headed to Monochrome Tower with some (un)lucky Rogue Teams in an effort to use the mysterious stone he possessed for... awakening a dragon. He failed and fled the tower in a rage, leaving the teams behind to escape for themselves.

Event 3

Upon returning to Tao Village, Devonshire was confronted for PK's stand being destroyed, as all eye-witness testimony pointed to it being his doing. PK eventually realized it was likely a Zoroark and accused Palette of the crime. Being an ex-Rogue, Devonshire agreed to take care of her and make sure she was gone from Tao Village.

During this time, he also managed to procure some of the medicine for Gunpowder before his partner got too ill. At some point during this time, Devonshire went on a walk with Chex, who was on his way to secure Slasher's body for The Boneyard. Chex's foster mother, Jill, recognized Devonshire from something outside of his knowledge and then talked with him about Tivoli and the Draconicello.

Mission 4

Devonshire left ahead of his teams to scout in the Prismatic Jungle to see what awaited them. During this mission he set restrictions on the teams allowed to participate, trying to ensure that the mission would go better than the previous one had. No Dragon-types were allowed to accompany him, nor were inexperienced teams.

Mission 5

Devonshire was seen talking with Pal and (thought to be deceased) Palette about a mysterious agent, whom he thought was a dead end. Following another one of his ghostly fits, he expected the safety tunnel to be used by all of the villagers of Tao Village to run away somewhere.

Upon coming back to see Sorbet's destruction, informs every villager of the location of his safety underground tunnels, and to evacuate the village while Gunpowder and Dmitri go off to divert Sorbet away from Tao Village and into the Creeping Forest.

Mission 6

It turned out that Devonshire's secret tunnel under the Rogue's Guild led to Lexy's library in Castle Draclugia. Devonshire reunited with Merlot, realising that he had once been her childhood friend, a Marowak named The Captain. He had to go back to Tao Village despite Merlot's protests, claiming it wouldn't be safe for him to stay.

Devonshire and Gunpowder return to the Rogue's base. Devonshire finds that the Draconicello has been stolen, and he has a few possible leads on the culprit. Devonshire expresses a feeling that "time is running out". He is excited at his sudden memories of Merlot, after so many years of few memories of his former life. Devonshire also discusses Bluegill's recent visit to Gunpowder, confirming that there is indeed something occurring overseas where PK's parents are. Devonshire also makes a point to mention his fondness for Gunpowder's simple honesty and competence, since he feels time is running out. He wants to make sure Gunpowder knows that his work and manner has been appreciated.

Anana arrives at the Rogue's guild, just having left the Merchant's hut after her fight with PK. She offers a large financial donation to the Rogues. Devonshire refuses the offer, but does reminisce about Micle, Anana's great great grandfather. Devonshire mentions that he knew Micle. He is referring to visiting the past after Jasmine's accidental time-travel explosion.

The Dates

Devonshire and Palette pay a visit to PK to request a plot of land in Tao for Palette to live in. PK accepts out of guilt, having falsely accused Palette in the past. Devonshire "pays" PK for the valued land by removing Shroomsworth from all Tao Village Merchant documents.

Well of Memories

Devonshire meets and immediately hires Gunpowder as a Rogue leader, no questions asked, soon after Palette quit her job. He gave Gunpowder tasks he was unable to do himself, such as leaving the village and provided the Gabite anything he required, such as shelter and food. With Gunpowder, more Pokemon approached the guild head quarters and their membership grew, since most feared Devonshire from his deathly appearance. One day, Dorsen appeared in the caves below the law firm and began to attack Gunpowder. Before he landed what would have been a fatal blow, Devonshire intervened and killed the Garchomp.

When Gunpowder awoke from his nightmare, he headed straight for Devonshire's office, believing he was messing with his head, took a swipe at his partner. Although this was the first time, in a long time, someone had managed to hit the Sableye, Devonshire was not mad at Gunpowder. In fact, he was rather worried that Gunpowder may have been under the influence of the Draconicello since it went missing following Sorbet's rampage.

Event 6

Devonshire later pays a visit to the library at Castle Draclugia to seek the advice of Lexy and Caldera. Devonshire gives Lexy a detailed account of his recent experiences after having remembered Merlot. Devonshire expresses a concern that he recently caused a nightmare for Gunpowder and found it eerily similar to the nightmare Sorbet experienced during Mission 5. Lexy leaves the room to gather together his notes on a certain Pokemon, and when he returns both Devonshire and Caldera are missing, due to Jasmine's time-travel explosion in the nearby woods.

Mission 7

Devonshire finds himself in the past in Creeping Forest, along with Caldera, Dr. Quaak, Vergil, and many Rescuers. He discovers Shade has fled into the the forest and orders the Rescuers to capture her. They succeed, bind her, and the party travels to the landmark Monochrome Tower in the hopes that Merchants and Rogues will also be there. Finding no one, the party sets out to Tao Village. Devonshire experiences none of his usual nightmarish delusions, strangely. The party finds themselves in Illusory Village where the New Moon Clan of Zoroark live. Devonshire finds the village easily, unlike Mike or PK, who both arrived at the village with help from the New Moon Clan. Jasmine is also at Illusory Village, and the Zoroark are attempting to heal her.

Event 7

Jasmine suddenly recovers, due to Rhodes's wish that Jasmine help everyone. Devonshire, along with Rescuers, Rogues, and Merchants all travel together with Jasmine to old Tao Village where they find the crafty Micle Nomel, PK's great great grandfather. Devonshire recognizes Micle, and mentions Micle allowed him to stay in Tao once before. Devonshire later warns Micle against the use of his "garments", for the sake of his health. Micle ignores him. Devonshire mentions he needs to visit a certain location, now that he can freely roam.

Mission 8

While stuck in the past, Devonshire is able to move in and out of Tao Village freely. He takes advantage of the opportunity by traveling to Castle Draclugia. On his way to the castle, he runs into a disfigured Zoroark, who attempted to trick the Sableye with his illusions. When he attempted to confront the Zoroark, Devonshire was attack, although not harmed. He calls Devonshire a "cardinal" and rambles on how he needs to serve his master, but Devonshire has no idea who he was referring to. He leaves the Zoroark and continues his journey to the castle.

Upon arriving, Devonshire made his way to the library in hopes of finding the information he was looking for. While reading papers left on Shinar's desk, a Marowak caught the Sableye and demanded to see his library card. That Marowak was Devonshire back when he was alive, though his back then was just Devon. He was able to convince himself who he was and asked for his assistance in finding the information he needed. Devon agreed to help and took the Sableye to his room. Devonshire answered any questions Devon asked him, such as how it felt like to die, which the Sableye reassured himself that is was incredibly easy and he won't screw it up. Devon also revealed why he and his men were are Castle Draclugia in the first place; search for the reason why Dandelo went missing. Devonshire told Devon about everything he experienced in his life, everything that may help the Marowak in his search. When he mentioned the golden-eyed Zoroark, Devon insisted on going back to the library to speak with Shinar. On their way to the library while Devon distracts two of his men for his future self to sneak through, Devonshire is spotted by a much younger Merlot. To avoid making a huge scene about an intruder, Devonshire tells the young Lugia that he was one of Devon's spy and is able to sneak away.

The two enter the library and ask Shinar to find any information about a tribe of golden-eyed Zoroark who lived in the area East of the castle. While waiting for the Abra to show up, the two discuss on how could the tribe went from being pacifist to hostile in such a short time. Shinar appeared with the small amount of information on the tribe in hand and was shocked to see and hear about Devon and Devonshire. After reassuring the Abra he meant no harm, Devonshire began to read a scroll on the tribes rituals. What he read was quite disturbing. The author of the scroll had successfully contacted the tribe and was able to study their ways for a short period of time. However, during the night, the author began to experience horrible nightmares about the tribe and how its peaceful members intended to do harm on him. After consulting with an elder, the author was allowed to participate in a ritual that would get rid of the nightmares, but upon learning more about the ritual, the author ran away. In order to stop the nightmares, he had to appease the Zoroark's god, Darkrai, and sacrifice a part of his body. After reading the scroll, Devonshire began to recall the moments shortly after beginning his new life as a Sableye, imagining himself playing a lute, being attacked and killing his attackers, and finally, finding his cape and a card that read "Devon Shire Cr."

Once he snapped out of his memory, Devonshire told Devon to find a lute, play a song, and read everything he could find on the tribe. He then left the castle and made his way back to Tao Village. On his way, he tried to look for Blot once again, but was only able to find the bandages that covered him and presumed the Zoroark was no longer among the living.

See Also

Devonshire's Interview
Story of the Captain
PK's Request
The Dates
Well of Memories
