Locations |
Documentation for Locations
Template used as a header and continer for additional information on location pages.Layout devised by User:MissFluffyKitty, source derived from Template:Groupevents.
Uses Template:Guildheader for background color of the header bar.
Copy the following codes onto the top of the page in question. Values marked with an asterisk(*) are optional.
{{Locations | Name = (Name of location, defaults to BASEPAGENAME) | Affiliation = * (Affiliation of the location, defines background color of the first row from Template:Guildheader) | Image = * (Full file name with extension, case sensitive) | Imagesize = * (Horizonal size of the image in pixels, no effect if Image is left empty) | Area = * (Continent or major geographical region the location was located on) | NPCs = * (Copy content from sourcecode of Category:Characters - See further instructions on template document) | Missions = * (Missions the location was involved in - See further instructions) | Events = * (Ditto) | Direction = * (Direction from other nearby major locations, such as "About a day on foot west of Tao Village" for Castle Draclugia) | Landmarks = * (Nearby major landmarks e.g. Monochrome Tower for Tao Village, replace line breaks with <br>) | Stories = * (Related stories, replace line breaks with <br>) | Links = * (Other links, replace line breaks with <br>) }}{{clr}}
If table of contents is needed, add __TOC__ before the {{clr}} template. Any content that would reside in the same section with this template would also go there.
NOTE: {{clr}} template is largely no longer necessery for this template - other contents would now flow around in a reasonable fashion instead of coming up right against the border.
Instructions for NPCs value
- Copy sourcecode between <ul> and </ul> tags from corresponding sections of Category:Characters.
- Change icon size from 100px to 50px, remove NPC name captions, strip <li> tags. For example:
<li style="display: inline-block;">[[File:Anana Portrait.png|100px|link=Anana]]<br>[[Anana]]</li>
<li style="display: inline-block;">[[File:Chill Portrait.png|100px|link=Chill]]<br>[[Chill]]</li>
<li style="display: inline-block;">[[File:Icon Lexy.png|100px|link=Lexy]]<br>[[Lexy]]</li>
[[File:Anana Portrait.png|50px|link=Anana]]
[[File:Chill Portrait.png|50px|link=Chill]]]
[[File:Icon Lexy.png|50px|link=Lexy]]
- Use the resulting lines of code as the NPCs value of the template. Each row contains 5 icons at most(See example), use linebreak (<br>) tags for additional formatting if necessery.
TODO: Can still be better?
Instructions for Missions and Events value
Use the following code for Mission and Event stamps:
Missions: [[File:M1 Rescuers Stamp.png|50px|link=Mission_1#Rescuers.27_Mission_1]] [[File:M1 Rogue-Merchant Stamp.png|50px|link=Mission_1#Merchants.27_Mission_1]] [[File:M1 Rogue-Merchant Stamp.png|50px|link=Mission_1#Rogues.27_Mission_1]] [[File:M2 Merchant-Rescuer Stamp.png|50px|link=Mission_2#Rescuers.27_Mission_2]] [[File:M2 Merchant-Rescuer Stamp.png|50px|link=Mission_2#Merchants.27_Mission_2]] [[File:M2 Rogue Stamp.png|50px|link=Mission_2#Rogues.27_Mission_2]] [[File:M3 Stamp.png|50px|link=Mission 3]] [[File:M4 Rescuers Stamp.png|50px|link=Mission_4#Rescuers.27_Mission_4]] [[File:M4 Merchants Stamp.png|50px|link=Mission_4#Merchants.27_Mission_4]] [[File:M4 Rogues Stamp.png|50px|link=Mission_4#Rogues.27_Mission_4]] [[File:M5 Stamp.png|50px|link=Mission 5]] [[File:M6 Stamp.png|50px|link=Mission 6]] [[File:M7 Stamp.png|50px|link=Mission 7]] [[File:M7 Stamp.png|50px|link=??? Mission 7]] For locations associated with both Rogue and Merchant M1, or Merchant and Rescuer M2, use these instead: [[File:M1 Rogue-Merchant Stamp Left.png|25px|link=Mission_1#Merchants.27_Mission_1]][[File:M1 Rogue-Merchant Stamp Right.png|25px|link=Mission_1#Rogues.27_Mission_1]] [[File:M2 Merchant-Rescuer Stamp Left.png|25px|link=Mission_2#Rescuers.27_Mission_2]][[File:M2 Merchant-Rescuer Stamp Right.png|25px|link=Mission_2#Merchants.27_Mission_2]] Events: [[File:E1 Stamp.png|50px|link=Event 1]] [[File:E2 Stamp.png|50px|link=Event 2]] [[File:E3 Stamp.png|50px|link=Event 3]] [[File:E4 Stamp.png|50px|link=Event 4]] [[File:E6 part 1 Stamp.png|25px|link=Event 6 Part 1]] [[File:E6 part 2 Stamp.png|25px|link=Event 6 Part 2]] [[File:E7 Stamp.png|50px|link=Event 7]]
- Again, each row would contain 5 stamps at most [Note: Probable exception with half-stamps like those in Event 6], and there are separate rows for Missions and Events. Add linebreaks (<br>) if necessery.
TODO: A better solution for this as well?
Tao Village |
Part of Tao World |
Affiliation | Bay Merchants |
Direction | Almost a day of walk southwest of Alomomola City |
Nearby Landmarks | Tao Ranch Monochrome Tower |
Related Stories | Arc 1: PK's Request Resignation A Deal The Pulled String Arc 2: Successor The Illusion Fight and Flight Event 6 suckers The Question Inspiration |
Links | Rescuers Merchants Rogues |
This documentation is transcluded from Template:Locations/doc.