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Artifacts are rare items hidden all throughout the world which are imbued with hidden capabilities. Each one has a special power stored within it; Pokemon lucky enough to obtain an artifact may be able to draw out these powers.

Obtainable Artifacts

The following artifacts can be obtained by completing certain Tasks or participating in certain Missions.

First Set

Available during the duration of January Tasks for assisting Nugget.

  • Scarlet Orb - A beautiful orb that emits a blindingly bright flash. Invokes Flash or Tail Glow (your choice!) when used.

  • Foxtail Whip - An elegant whip that will leave a burn when struck. Invokes Will-O-Wisp when used.

  • Chargestone Rod - Made from chargestone, a common rock in Steel City that amplifies and contains high voltages of electricity. This will allow shocking damage. It was said that a wise Manetric formed this treasure in his name, though his name itself was lost in time. Invokes Charge when used.

  • Ancient Bell - A cracked bell which emits a soothing sound that restores a team's statuses to normal. Invokes Heal Bell when used.

  • Pendulum - Easily allows one to hypnotise another into a sound sleep. Invokes Hypnosis when used.

  • Metal Flute - Play this and you will sound the sound of five Durants' battle cries. Sound-Blockers recommended, as such instrument is known to drive many players insane. Invokes Metal Sound when used.

  • Magic Paint - This paint allows for one to draw out their inspiration and obtain a move made from observation. Lets you Sketch any non-signature move, but there's only enough to use it once. The sketched move permanently replaces one of your existing four moves.


Second Set

Available during the duration of March Tasks.

Artifacts March.png

  • Smoochy Lipstick - Put this on and give your loved one (or hated enemy) a big ol' smooch. Lights out!! Invokes Lovely Kiss when used.

  • Throat Spray - A spray of this miraculous concoction into your throat will give you a soothing voice of the heavens, guaranteed to make all those who listen to your humming fall asleep. Invokes Sing when used.

  • Cursed Slips - This packet of slips have some unknown writing on them. If you throw them at an enemy, it slowly saps their energy, but at the cost of half of yours... If you stick them on yourself, you gain immense power at the cost of your responsiveness. Invokes Curse when used.

  • Milk Bottle - An enchanted bottle that refills itself with healing milk within an hour that never goes bad. Invokes Milk Drink when used.

  • Magnet - Within range, this powerful magnet can pull flying/levitating Pokemon down towards the ground. Activates Gravity when used.

  • Harmonious Reed - Carrying this somehow gives you the memory to play a soothing song that brings slumber to its listeners. Invokes Grasswhistle when used.


Poison Artifacts

Obtained for assisting Merlot's maids cleaning the basement.

Poison Artifacts.png

  • Sickly-looking bracelet - sometimes inflicts Toxic on the wearer. Who would wear this? No, wait, not Toxic... something else. Affects Steel and Poison types, and bypasses Poison Heal and Immunity.

  • Sickly-looking necklace - sometimes inflicts Toxic on the wearer. Why two of them? No, wait, not Toxic... something else. Affects Steel and Poison types, and bypasses Poison Heal and Immunity.

  • Sickly-looking earrings - sometimes Poisons the wearer. No, not Poison, exactly... And three of them...? Huh. This makes Steel-type and Poison-type Pokemon sick, too. Looks like these three pieces of jewelry bypass all forms of protection against poison... Why would anyone wear these, really?

  • Lovely Perfume - inflicts Gastro Acid and Poison upon spraying. But only sometimes. Washes off with soap, not water.

  • Thorny Burner - inflicts Poison Gas if the smoke is inhaled for too long. But only sometimes.

  • Strange Mittens - protects the body parts covered with Acid Armor.


Roma's Alchemy Items

Obtained for helping Roma.

Roma Items.png

  • Powdered Beedrill Stinger - Removes poisoning and makes the consumer immune to poison for a few hours.

  • Toxicroak Jelly - Consumer will be under the effects of Bulk Up for a few hours.

  • Freshly Pressed Garbordor Juice - Consumer is given extraordinary halitosis for a few hours, inflicting Rest upon anyone unfortunate enough to catch a whiff of them.


Mission 8 Main Mission Artifacts

(Available only if you successfully complete the main mission of your guild!)


Artifacts M8Main Merchant.png
Examples of some of the rewards
  • 1 - Dull Knife - Soba refuses to allow this dull vegetable knife in his kitchen, so I'd love for you to take it off of our hands. He claims to have forgotten who gave it to him, which I believe as much as I believe it's for vegetables. Or that it's a knife. Or dull. Please be very careful handling this and... well, I suggest you point it away from anything with structural integrity you'd like to preserve. Sometimes invokes Guillotine. Careful!

  • 2 - Tonic & Depressor - Pretty ordinary tongue depressor, but there are a few surprises left in it if you know how to use it right. As an added bonus, I'll throw in this pretty ordinary delicious tonic that's universally considered mouth-wateringly tasty. What's not ordinary is the bottle; it refills itself gradually. Shame the stuff reacts horribly to any attempts at cooking with it, and we never figured out how to make the bottle refill with anything more practical. Invoke Spit Up and Swallow, respectively.

  • 3 - Yawny Book - Ah, one of my favorites! How to Organize Books: A Literary Tour-de-Force on the latest Book-Organizing Techniques. Don't worry; I have another signed first-edition print. I don't know what bestowed it with supernatural powers, but it seems to have the ability to inspire drowsiness in any who hear passages read from it. Invokes Yawn.

  • 4 - Fan-tastic Fan - This item is fan-tastic! Ah-ha-ha-ha. No, it's just a fan. Something's imbued it with the force of a strong gale, though, so avoid pointing it at anyone you'd like to keep in this timezone. Invokes Whirlwind.

  • 5 - Scent-Sational Perfume - Don't tell her, but this is some offensively odoriferous perfume that I desperately need to get out of the castle. I can't take any more Scent-Sational Saturdays. It's supposed to be very relaxing, therapeutic, that sort of thing, but all I can smell is an abandoned flower factory compressed into a convenient travel size. Invokes Aromatherapy.

  • 6 - Masquerade Mask - Ah, this fine masquerade ball mask allows you to duplicate another Pokémon's passive abilities and look astoundingly fashionable besides—the mask changes theme to match who you're copying. Honestly, this is the most useful thing I've got here. I'd appreciate if you'd pick something else so I can keep this. Invokes Role Play.

  • 7 - Jar of Weird Goo - This jar contains some, ahem, perfectly normal and unimplicative goo which can be... smeared upon one's person to change one into a copy of a nearby Pokémon. All of the target's skills and physical attributes become yours. Alas, the effect wears off quickly, its duration is shortened yet further with larger transformations, and the goo can't be reused. Given that inconvenience and the difficulty of acquiring more, I've, ah, rarely had occasion to use it myself. Invokes Transform. Transformation is temporary. One use only.

  • 8 - Recycle Bin - Here I have a canister which can restore minor damage to everyday objects. A berry with only a few bites taken out of it, say, will be replaced with an entire new berry. As with many mystical items, there's a fascinating story behind this, but I'm sure you have better things to do with your time than hear me tell it. I do hate to part with it, as I use it to remove creases from improperly folded paper, but it seems a fitting reward. Invokes Recycle.

  • 9 - Portable Nest - This is a nest. If you're a bird, you might like to nestle in it. If you're not a bird, I'm not going to stop you, but your parents will start to wonder just where they went wrong. He was such a good boy, they'll tell each other, tearing up the birthday card they'd bought for you. Such a good boy. Invokes Roost.

  • 10 - Mutual Stakes - It's unclear who originally owned these stakes; virtually anyone in the castle is a likely suspect. They have an uncanny knack for balancing pleasure with pain, which unfortunately makes them unsuitable for their intended use. Perhaps you can find a novel way to use their unusual properties. Invokes Pain Split.

Rescuers - Water Noodle. So proud and noble. Unlike the greedy merchants over whom you claim the moral high ground, you're willing to do what's right without expecting so much as a pat on the back. Good for you.
Artifacts M8Main Rescuer Lexy.png
Most of you, anyway. Some of you caught wind that I'd offered the same job to the merchants for a handsome reward. Some of you grumbled about how unfair that was, to be offered exactly what you ask for.
Well, never fear! I have plumbed the depths of my unfathomable intellect to find the perfect companion for your guild. It's tall, spindly, and yellow. It'll go flimsy at the slightest touch and can hardly stand up to any external force whatsoever. Left to its own devices, most anyone would agree that it'll sit there and do absolutely nothing whatsoever, though it may register as a minor inconvenience when wielded and used to harass someone else. And it has a very hard time staying straight.
But enough about your illustrious leader; let's hear about the reward! You have your choice of any of this foam water noodle, which does nothing. It comes in a wide range of colors, from insufferable saffron to chafing-my-ass chiffon to apathetic aureolin. I hope it's just as useful to you as you have been to me.
Invokes Splash.


Artifacts M8Main Rogue.png
  • 1 - Swirly Pendant - This is a swirly pendant! I really like it, but it makes me dizzy if I look at it for too long. It’s a great distraction if you want to pull punches because your opponent won’t be able to stop staring at it! It’ll confuse the heck out of them, you know? A simple, yet effective item! Invokes Dizzy Punch.

  • 2 - Life Tea - This... this is, um, actually really rare. But I figured I’d put out my best rewards I have to offer... and it’s not like I have any use for this, um, anymore. It’s a very, very special tea--a life tea!--but it’s diluted. Even the container is rare, a special thermos. The tea will cure many diseases and heal wounds at an incredible speed, but since it’s diluted, it doesn’t work as well as it used to. Beware though: if you take the cap off, the effects will diminish rapidly! Can only be used once. Invokes Recover and restores defects.

  • 3 - Two-Headed Coin - Ah, this! My lucky coin. It’s got a Kecleon head on both sides!, no, I wouldn’t use it to cheat! I mean, it’s not like anyone needs to know there’s no tails if they don’t ask, right? And if they bet tails without looking at the coin, that’s not really my fault. I’m sure you can find a use for it... Invokes Nasty Plot.

  • 4 - Mock Mirror - My lovely mirror! Oh, gosh, I don’t want to part with this either! It’s really neat, though. Just make someone else look into it for a moment, then gaze into it yourself. Suddenly you’ll find you’re able to perfectly mimic some crucial aspect of that Pokemon for a brief time. It’s so useful when making business deals where I just don’t understand the other Pokemon. We become somewhat linked, you know? Invokes Role Play.

  • 5 - Creepy Doll - A... creepy doll. This was Paya-- this was a doll around my house. It follows me around randomly sometimes, and I feel like it stares at me. I just don’t get it. I’d really rather do without it. She always would pull some weird trick where a doll would be in her place... I don’t know how she did that. Is that just a teleportation trick...? Well, whatever. I’m sure if you take this doll, you’ll understand how to pull off the move if you keep an eye on it long enough. Invokes Substitute.

  • 6 - Tricky Band - This is what I like to call a “Tricky Band”! It’s great if you’re a weaker Pokemon and have to rely on your wits to win fights! You can trip your opponent, use it to catapult rocks, use it to fling them around... hee hee! All sorts of neat tricks can be pulled off with this handy band. It’s extremely resilient, so don’t worry about it breaking. Invokes Foul Play.

  • 7 - Broken Megaphone - Oh, my broken megaphone... what is this doing h- ah, I mean, it’s a rather fantastic artifact. You simply yell into it, and the piercing sound utterly destroys the ears of any listeners for a brief time, causing them to hold their head in pain for a while, lowering their defense. It doesn’t quite work on Pokemon without ears though, suffice to say. Sorry. Invokes Screech.

  • 8 - Binding Vine - This is a vine you have to seek out in the nearby forest. It likes to strangle trees if left to its own devices. I like to pick the flowers I wear from this particular vine! They’re lovely and smell nice. Oh, um, the vine itself is good at binding things - it naturally tries to wrap itself around Pokemon, despite being away from any tree. It likes to suck life from them, too. As long as you keep feeding it, it’ll keep living. It’s also a tasty snack! Invokes Bind when used and Leech Life when nibbled.

  • 9 - Erotic Novel - Did you know I’m an aspiring author as well?! I thought not! I’ll give you a copy of my latest book as a reward, if you’d like! Signed, first edition. It’s an erotic romance novel called “50 Shades of Kecleon” and surely reading the correct passage will be enough to fluster and embarrass anyone you’re dealing with! Hee hee hee! Invokes Attract.

  • 10 - Lucky Coin - A lucky coin indeed! Whenever I carry this, money seems to appear out of nowhere. I don’t really need it anymore... well, I mean, more money is always nice but... I’ll have Tao soon enough. I don’t need to worry about tiny change. You might have a use for it though! Invokes Payday.

  • 11 - Polished Gem - This is a powerful little polished rock! A pretty gem... I love it, I really love it! When I hold it, sometimes it becomes really bright. It actually kind of hurts. ...well, as it turns out, I don’t actually know how it works. I think you can use it to attack others. Invokes Power Gem.

  • 12 - Light Bulb - Last, but not least, one of those weird “Light Bulbs” the King’s Rock Casino started using. This one’s really bright though, and not like the ones we’ve started to use in our homes here. This one really stings your eyes and makes it hard to see anything at all for a while! It’s good to use to make getaways, provided your enemy can see to begin with. I don’t think it would work on say, a Zubat or Deino... Invokes Flash.


Artifacts M8Main Rescuer Chill.png
  • 1 - Skull - This is just a skull. Who cares? Let’s go. Invokes Skull Bash.

  • 2 - Curved Bone - ...and that’s just a bone. A curved bone. Why are we still here? Invokes Bonemerang.

  • 3 - Sand Spewer - It’s just spewing sand! Why would you want that?! Come on, we need to get going! Invokes Sandstorm.

  • 4 - Fancy Bone - A fancy bone, wow, real special! Definitely worth stalling and not saving Gunpowder! NOT. Protects against Earthquake in a small radius when in the ground, invokes Fissure when removed.

  • 5 - Bag of Sand - THIS IS JUST A BAG OF SAND. Invokes Sand Attack.

  • 6 - Cursed Candle - What is this, a candle or incense or something?! This is NOT WORTH OUR TIME. Invokes Hex and Torment.

  • 7 - Disturbing Doll - That’s the creepiest doll I’ve ever seen. Don’t take that. Seriously. What. LET’S GO. Invokes Substitute and Curse when used.

  • 8 - Old Tablet - Really. Some crumbly old tablet...? UGH! GLAD TO SEE MY OLD GUILDEES HAVE SUCH GOOD PRIORITIES. Invokes Ancientpower.

  • 9 - Bone Needles - Bone needles, fantastic! While you’re busy taking your pick and making yourself look like a greedy Merchant, I’m going to be saving Gunpowder. Ciao. Invokes Shadow Tag when the needles are placed in the shadows of two or more Pokemon.


Third Set

Available during the duration of May Tasks.


Artifacts Happyball.png
  • Happy Ball - Remove Poison-type temporarily when used, or may cure poison, and then may cast Toxic once, until refilled with poison.



Artifacts Maytask.png
  • Magic Trick for Baby - Reading this book will allow you to forget one of your current moves and replace it with Kinesis. Impress all your friends with this trivial of wonders!

  • Staring into the Abyss - Reading this book will force you to forget one of your current moves and replace it with Amnesia. Better not stare at it too long, it feels kinda creepy...

  • How it Ends: The Sequel: End Harder - Written by the only being to know how our world actually ends! It seems that she forgot what the book was supposed to be about, though. It is filled with nothing but her inane, unimportant ramblings. Things get good towards the end, but the last page is torn out! Reading this book allows you to forget one of your current moves and replace it with Frustration.


Fourth Set

Available during the duration of June Tasks.

June 2013 Artifacts.png
  • Truthful Mirror- No reflection can be seen from this mirror, and looking into it instills a sense of despondency and regret. Uses Quash on anyone unfortunate enough to gaze upon it.

  • Achilles’ Heal- Said to have belonged to a great warrior at one point, this Breloom foot will protect against the “lethal” component of one normally fatal attack, then turn to dust. (Invokes Endure once).

  • Carin’ Coin If this golden coin is slipped to a stranger, it will tie their fate to yours (Invokes Destiny Bond).

  • Well Water- Contains the power of Amnesia. A vial of cloudy water. Shortly after drinking, the imbiber forgets both their most and least fondest memory forever.

  • Consecrated Tablet- Cleanses the area of impure spirits. Invokes Fire Spin on all pokemon within a small radius, including the user.

  • Koiking Effigy- This worn and cracked Magikarp stone inflicts feelings of rage when gazed upon. Any pokemon staring at it too long uses Outrage on everything in the vicinity without regard for safety, destroying the stone in the process.


Fifth Set

Available during July Tasks, 2013.

July 2013 Artifacts.png
  • Promissory Note: For all of your hard work in making Alomomola the place it deserves to be, you can call in favours from Pokemon all over the city. This IOU may only be used once, but it can be used to call in help at (almost) any time -- up to four Pokemon using up to four different moves, as you direct. (Legendary Pokemon and signature moves restricted from use)

  • Self-Defence Ring: It's tough, sometimes, to have money, and even tougher when there are Pokemon out there who want to part it with you. This valuable piece of jewelry looks normal, but if you look closely enough, you'll notice there's something hidden beneath all that precious metal... this ring can be used to prick someone with a dose of poison, equivalent to Template:Move.

  • Ancient Scroll: This old, heavy thing is written on red, blue and white paper. Appraisers claim that it's "holy", but Royce and most of the world couldn't care less. Maybe it does something useful, who knows? Chanting the words written in this scroll will invoke the power of Template:Move if the user is Water- or Ice-type, Template:Move if the user is Fire- or Ground-type, or Template:Move if the user is any other type.

  • Magician's Cards: This set of playing cards lets anyone pretend to be a magician, even if they're a common thief. It's better if a common thief uses these cards, in fact; they're tricky and require some dexterity to use properly. These playing cards can be used to duplicate the effects of Template:Move, Template:Move, the Illusion ability, and Template:Move once each.


Sacred Artifacts

Light Stone

Light Stone and its altar

As a reward for helping him get his rare candy back, an unknown Cyndaquil gave the Rescuers this light stone. Mike recognized its scent similar to the feather on his hat.

During Mission 3, Chill and the Rescuers raced to the top of Monochrome Tower in an attempt to awaken the dragon within the stone. However, they arrived at the altar too late. PK was able to awaken Sorbet from the God Stone. The Light Stone was left encased in ice near its altar.


Dark Stone

Dark Stone and its altar

Members of the Rogues guild had taken this stone from an unknown group of bandits and presented it to Gunpowder and Devonshire.

During Mission 3, Devonshire and the Rogues raced to the bottom of Monochrome Tower in order to awaken the dragon sleeping within the Dark Stone. However, a mere steps away from the altar, PK had awakened Sorbet in the Icy Cavern. The Dark Stone was left encased in ice near its altar.


God Stone

God Stone and its altar

It is unknown who possessed this before, but the Merchants were able to get their hands on this stone before Mission 2 for the mere cost of a single crate of oran berries.

During Mission 3, PK and the Merchant went to the Icy Cavern and arrived at the stone's altar. It was then and there where Sorbet was awakened.

After Mission 5, Sorbet was put back to sleep by Prosphora and taken to Cathedral Drop. Template:Clr

Sacred Vessel

Lethe's Sorrow

It is unknown how Micle obtained this artifact, or it's origins, but that it used to be known as "Lethe's Sorrow," and that it has the unique property of storing the sacred sap from The Tree of Life without losing its potency. Template:Clr

Micle's Artifacts

The Kecleon named Micle Nomel was a grand entrepreneur in his lifetime and had a "sleepy fairy lady" create artifacts from various materials for his own benefits. These artifacts make the wearer immune to Zoroark illusion's, and work best when activated by a Kecleon. The degree of immunity relies on the user's stamina.

Iridescent Poncho

An artifact created from the down of a Latios and the scales from the severed tail of Micle's son. This artifact amplifies light and color of the wearer, but it demands more concentration. It seems that the user's emotions will also be amplified as a sort of side effect. When used near ignited moondust, the dust will cause temporary blindness for both parties. Chosen by PK for Mission 8 and used during a raid from the Dark Moon Clan.

Crystalline Poncho

An artifact created from the down of a Latias and the scales from the severed tail of Micle's wife. It grants the wearer absolute invisibility, and little energy is needed. Micle prefers using this over the Iridescent Poncho, but it is unclear what the side effects are.

Legendary Instruments

Within this world, legendary instruments exist. What are they? What powers do they possess?


The Draconicello

This item was once in the possession of Devonshire after being procured from Tivoli in Mission 4. When it is played, all dragons and dragon-like Pokemon seem to fall under Tivoli's will. It seems that those who aren't compatible with the instrument burst into flame if they attempt to play it. It is currently unclear on which grounds this compatibility is determined, however.

Upon returning to Tao Village after Sorbet's rampage, Devonshire discovers the instrument absent from his office. Its whereabouts are currently unknown. Template:Clr

Thistle Whistle

The Thistle Whistle

This item is in the possession of Arianna, although PK once possessed it through "diplomacy" with its previous owner.

When Arianna blew into it, she was able to summon a great wall of thorns to surround the Sapling Village. It also has healing properties, as Arianna demonstrated on some injured merchant teams. It requires intense concentration though, and the instrument seems to be quite picky on what is concentrated on. PK attempted to use it to heal Shroomsworth's broken leg with it, but ended up breaking his other leg in the process. However, with the help of Fresnel, PK was able to reverse the damage with the Whistle and heal both legs. Template:Clr

Icicle Triangle

The Icicle Triangle

Chill obtained this item after his battle with Shiv in the Snowy Village, then sent it to Mike for safekeeping. With it, Shiv was able to repel Chill's Blizzard and take control over the ice-type residents of the Village. Similarly to the Draconicello, the instrument seems to backfire on certain Pokémon. Curiously, Maple seems to be compatible with it, although her brother is not. It is currently in Maple's possession because of her ability to play the instrument.

According to Sorbet, the Triangle was created from one of his feathers and a part of another mysterious being. The instrument is used to play the Timbre of Tundras, which is part of a "tremendously marvelous melody." Perhaps more of these instruments are involved with this melody as well? Template:Clr

Twilight Clarinet

The Twilight Clarinet

An instrument used by Shade and the Dark Moon Clan. Not much is known about it, other than it is used during sacrificial rituals and can create illusions.

During Mission 5, Shade used the clarinet to place Sorbet in a nightmare, causing the dragon to go on a rampage and destroy the village.

Sometime after all the seeds had been planted during Event 6, Shade placed Jasmine in an illusion before kidnapping the Celebi.

For Mission 8, Shade and Caldera left a letter to Lexy containing specific instructions to perform a sacrifice to appease Darkrai. However, the Eevee needed to be invited into a section of the Illusory Woods to get the clarinet by one of Shade's children. All three living children were already in Tao Village and unable to invite him in but Lexy discovered another child, Smudge. The Zorua appeared to be trap in a nightmare and the only one with the ability to allow Lexy to get the instrument. To appease the child, Lexy recruited both Rescuers and Merchants to escort him to the woods and play hide 'n seek with Smudge. This was the only way the child would allow Lexy to obtain his mother's clarinet. Template:Clr