Post and Matchmaker

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Affiliation Tao Worker's Union
Role Mailman
Usual Location Tao Village
Species Template:Species
Gender Male
Age Young Adult
Trait Highly persistent
Nature Serious

Related Stories Fight and Flight

Move 1: Template:Move

Move 2: Template:Move

Move 3: Template:Move

Move 4: Template:Move

Archimedes the Pidove runs the Pidove Post and works feverishly to make sure all the mail is properly delivered. He never slacks off or dawdles.


Archimedes sorts out the post.

Mission 1

Archimedes and the Pidove Post needed the help of the Merchants to run some postal errands and deliver mail.

Fight and Flight

Swamped with tons of letters to sort and deliver, Archimedes is asked by the Patrat Patrol to take in Cyclone and put her to work in order for the Swellow to complete her community service. Seeing how confused and overwhelmed she was, Archimedes reassures Cyclone that she is free to go as soon as she completes her services and takes her under his wing.





Alias(es) Chirpy (don't call her this)
Affiliation Tao Worker's Union
Role Temporary Mail Carrier
Usual Location Tao Village
Species Template:Species
Gender Female
Age Young Adult
Trait Proud of its power
Nature Bold

Related Stories Fight and Flight

Move 1: Template:Move

Move 2: Template:Move

Move 3: Template:Move

Move 4: Template:Move

Cyclone is a Swellow who grew up in Creeping Forest. She recently went to Tao Village for the first time and, after getting into some trouble, had to do community service as an assistant mail carrier to Archimedes. After completing this, she decided that she wants to stay in the village and continue assisting Archimedes.


Fight and Flight

Ever since she was a Taillow, Chirpy excelled in flying. Her parents made sure their children knew how to fly extremely well in order to defend, or rather flee, from the many predators they faced in the Creeping Forest. However, rather than run away like a coward, Cyclone, as she liked to call herself, would fight back. She was able to save her sister, Songy, from a Sneasel one day when the two were practicing their flight skills. But when she told her parents what had happen, instead of praise, Cyclone was scolded for not being more cautious of their surroundings.

One morning, the family of Taillow woke up and were shocked to see that the entire forest was covered in snow. Because the unseasonal snow would kill all the bugs the birds depended on for survival, it was decided that they were to all migrate to the Sonata Forest where it would be warmer. Cyclone took this to be yet another cowardly move; she refused to move to a completely different place just because the weather was cold. As a result, her family left her for dead.


Sometime after her family's departure, Cyclone found herself in an intense fight for life with a wild Liepard. She won the battle but it had left her severely injured. Surprisingly, that battle was all she needed in order to evolve into a Swellow. She shortly met another fellow Swellow and attempted to befriend it, but the bird attacked Cyclone to defend his territory. She did not bother to defend herself this time (she had no idea how to fight in her new body) and flew off to another part of the forest to find food and territory to call her own.

Still in search of a piece of the forest to call her own, Cyclone was constantly hungry. All the bugs she would normally eat either left the forest or died from the cold. As if things couldn't get worse, one night she was awoken and witnessed Sorbet while he was under Shade's illusion. Against her own instinct, Cyclone hide from the beast, cursing to herself for being so weak and, for a moment, made her think of the family who had abandoned her.


The next day, Cyclone was awoken to a surprise; all the snow had melted and that scary beast was no where in sight. She was greeted by Jill who offered the Swellow a lum berry. She was hesitant to take the berry from the dragon-like creature, so the Aerodactyl rolled it to her, briefly mentioned Tao Village and continued on with Ivory in search of any bodies.

After eating the berry, Cyclone was wandering around the forest, seeing all the damage Sorbet had done when she came across a Rescue team, offering help to a resident. She found it strange for Pokemon to offer another assistance without getting anything in return. She kept hearing these teams mention a place, Tao Village, and figured she should go there as well. On her way to the village, she came across a huge castle surround by a moat. She stopped for a drink and was greeted by Samual. The Kingdra gave her further directions to the village while at the same time insulting her looks and intelligence. After ramming into his face to teach him a lesson he would surely not forget, Cyclone continued her trip.

Once in Tao Village, Cyclone saw the Sorbet fountain in the center of town. To show herself that she wasn't scared nor intimidated by the sculpture of the dragon, Cyclone flew up above the fountain and dropped guano smack on the beast's head. This did not sit well with the villagers, especially with the Patrat Patrol who promptly had her arrested. After being interrogated by Vergil, it was decide that Cyclone was to serve out her community service by assisting Archimedes run the Pidove Post.

Upon arriving at the post, Archimedes immediately bombards the Swellow with instructions on how to deliver letters and a messenger bag that restrained her movement. However, the Pidove saw how village life, and the many rules that came with it, overwhelmed Cyclone, and reassured that she would be free to leave the place as soon as she completed her sentence. After she had time to gather her thoughts and accept the fact that she was stuck in this strange place, she declared to herself, and some villagers standing by, that she would get through this ordeal.


A group of Sunkerns have taken over Cyclone's nesting spot in the gazebo. She asked members of the Rescue guild to either talk some sense to the Sunkern or to just get rid of them. She would have done it herself but she would feel guilty if she were to pick on such a tiny Pokemon. This task was worth one point.





Affiliation Bay Residents
Role Matchmaker
Usual Location Alomomola Bay
Species Template:Species
Gender Female
Age Adult
Trait Very finicky
Nature Jolly

Related Stories The Dates

Move 1: Template:Move

Move 2: Template:Move

Move 3: Template:Move

Move 4: Template:Move

Pulse the Luvdisc is a renowned matchmaker sought by many pokemon to create the perfect pair, though her poor hearing has caused problems.


Pulse was swimming around when she was suddenly scooped up by a Pelipper, Rhythym. He was about to swallow her when she called out from his mouth. She was impossible to ignore since she was inside his head. She stopped him dead though with a few words about his current lover. All accurate advice, all dead-on, all about her betrayal and how long it’d been happening beneath his very nose. The Pelipper was unable to swallow her after she started babbling away about what would happen if he continued to ignore the situation with his girl. He had turned course to their nest and confronted the treacherous lady while Pulse swished around his mouth, listening in.

The Dates

Pulse and her colleague visited PK on Alomomola Beach to tell her the premonition the Luvdisc had about the Kecleon's romantic crossroad and how her decision would effect the good of Tao. However, PK was reluctant to hear what the pair had to say.





Affiliation Bay Residents
Role Personal Chauffeur
Usual Location Alomomola Bay
Species Template:Species
Gender Male
Age Adult
Trait Loves to eat
Nature Relaxed

Related Stories The Dates

Move 1: Template:Move

Move 2: Template:Move

Move 3: Template:Move

Move 4: Template:Move

Rhythm the Pelipper has kindly offered to help Pulse move around by carrying her in his bill, letting her work her matchmaking skills outside of Alomomola Bay.


Rhythym was fishing for a meal when he chanced upon Pulse. He was about to swallow her when she called out from his mouth. She was impossible to ignore since she was inside his head. She stopped him dead though with a few words about his current lover. All accurate advice, all dead-on, all about her betrayal and how long it’d been happening beneath his very nose. Rhythm was unable to swallow her after she started babbling away about what would happen if he continued to ignore the situation with his girl. He had turned course to their nest and confronted the treacherous lady while Pulse swished around his mouth, listening in.

The Dates

Rhythm carried Pulse to Alomomola Beach so she could speak with PK, the subject of her latest premonition. Despite the Kecleon's high defenses, the pair were determined to deliver their message.

