Cobalt Lake

From Pokemon Dungeon Explorers
Revision as of 20:20, 22 May 2013 by JWNoctis (talk | contribs) (Events listed in mission entry for compactness, for now)
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Cobalt Lake

Part of Tao World

M2 Merchant-Rescuer Stamp.pngE3 Stamp.png

Direction South of Castle Draclugia in the Creeping Forest
Nearby Landmarks Castle Draclugia
Sapling Village to Northwest
Links Estoc

A lake found within the Creeping Forest that has a small island with a cave at its center.

Missions and Events

Mission 2

Shortly after dealing with Merlot, Mike headed towards the lake and into a cave nearby. It was there where he met and confronted Estoc, the guardian of the Light Stone. The Cobalion warned the Charmander to not take the stone to Monochrome Tower or he would have to face him in battle.

Event 3

The arrival of Sorbet brought an early Winter to Tao Village, as well as a terrible cold to many residents. Dr. Quaak asked every guild member to head out and bring back ingredients so that he and his assistance may make a cure. Seaweed was one of the ingredients and needed to be collected from the bottom of the lake.