Tao Encyclopedia/Ghosts

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Pokemon that have died and returned to life are known as ghosts. Many such Pokemon have incomplete or fleeting memories of their past life, and are often drawn to locations, objects or people associated with their past life. It is possible for a ghost to regain some or all of its memories through learning about their past life.

Ghosts are distinct from Ghost-type Pokemon, which may be born from eggs and live as normal Pokemon. However, all ghosts are Ghost-type Pokemon as well: regardless of their species in their past life, they become a member of a Ghost-type species. Ghosts may benefit from memories of their past life due to combat experience, but cannot use abilities they possessed in their past life unless their new species can use the same abilities.

Ghosts do not age and are often physically resilient, as with other Ghost-types, but like the living, they are susceptible to diseases of the mind, and can be attacked, hurt, and killed. A ghost that is killed by another Pokemon or in an accident will not return to life as a ghost again.