Mission 3 - Rogues

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I hope all ya scallywags recieved m' last edition of How To Be A Pirate. Just remember: keep practicin' yer 'yarr' and remember t' swab the poopdecks ever'day. Now then...

Gunpowder Icon

If yer gettin' this letter and were plannin' t' help out Devonshire, then.. what're ya doin'?! He's already gone! He probably be there by now, ya swashbucklers! Get in gear. Apparently, there's a cave between Monochrome Tower and Tao Village, and.. well. Surely he sentcha a letter, too! The details are surely there.

Now, on to business.. First, this be fer all m' mates out there: a great veteran of the Rogues be comin' to town of my accord. Her name be Syrup and she's a Skunktank, so she be hard t' miss.. smell her from a mile away.

Gunpowder Icon

Show her yer respect, and put on yer best Rogue'n, 'cause she ain't easy to impress.. but if ya make her upset, I ain't takin' responsibility.

Anyway.. I'm sure ya'll be itchin' t' cause some trouble. Well, I got news for you: there be a Slowpoke Slums just outside th' village.. Well, I needn't say they struggle with food and such. My sources tell me that Iceburg, owner of a veggie farm out by Tao Ranch, has a surplus of goodies that just may benefit these Slowpoke. If I need t' say more t' ye, well.. how'd ya make it this far, mate?!

If yer the type that be all high and mighty, Mr. or Mrs. "I ain't gonna steal", then you'll probably be stickin' 'round the village. Well, as I told all ya... Syrup be comin' t' town, and we want her to stay. She was known for really runnin' this place like a champ, and back in her days, the Rescuers definitely avoided the Rogues. And well, y'know.. that'd be a good thing, right? I be gettin' quite tired o' hearin' 'bout them messin' up our jobs.. Anywho, 'member how I said she be hard t' impress? Well, it's yer lucky day! Yer job be t' try and convince her t' stay around. We'll be throwin' a welcomin' party for her.. with a spot fer you Rogues t' show off yer stuff. Get it done.

That's all I be able t' remember fer now.. but ya know me, I be forgetful at times, yarr! I do m' best, though. You know what I do t' people that have a problem with it.

Maney Pleasantries,



Gunpowder Icon

A moment please...

There is but one more thing I must... propose to all of you fine Rogues.

You see, that rascally Kecleon that runs the shops here, PK, has been... quite a thorn in our wallet as of late. A very... flammable thorn. And it has been sitting there burning a hole in our wallet long enough! Put quite simply... we are getting quite fed up with her overcharging! She seems to believe that simply because we are Rogues, our coffers must be filled to the brim with money stolen from others! As you all are most fully aware... this is not the case. What we must do is teach that Kecleon a lesson... and perhaps make up for the economic injustices done upon our most respectable guild.

And this... is what I request of you. If you would like to prove your worth to the guild... or perhaps even simply get revenge for your diminishing funds... please visit PK's shop. You simply can't miss it. It is awfully tacky after all, and I think it could use some... redecorating, don't you? Vandalize the shop... and take whatever merchandise you can find to Illusory Woods. I will meet up with you there at a later time and reward you for your most... enthusiastic efforts.

Now... I must return to my expedition to Monochrome Tower. Please be sure to teach PK a lesson she won't soon forget.

Weh heh heh... I'm counting on you. ~Devonshire



You may choose any of these missions. Main missions are considered harder and longer to draw, and they make a difference in the storyline.

Mission3 main rogues.png

Devonshire is out waiting in a small cave between Tao Village and Monochrome Tower. He is waiting for any number of teams to accompany him to the tower itself. Standing between him and the tower is a Terrakion by the name of Degue. This guardian Pokemon doesn’t want Devonshire to get anywhere near the tower with the Dark Stone.

Aside from that, PK and Chill are each headed out in the same direction. Chill is likely headed for Monochrome Tower, and PK seems to be headed to the Icy Cavern near the tower. If they cross your path at all, ensure that they’re unable to continue their journey. It’s very likely that they, too, are trying to keep their stones from the guardians. It’s not a race against time if neither of the other two head Guild Leaders are able to participate...

Once inside the tower, he needs assistance to get past the many traps. It’s common knowledge that the inside of the tower houses many ghost Pokemon, Pokemon who died after being unable to escape the tower.

At the very bottom of the basement of the tower is an altar. Your goal is to accompany Devonshire and the Dark Stone to this altar. You’ll have completed your mission successfully if you reach the altar before the other two Guild Leaders.

Rogues altar.png
Mission3 rogues iceburg.png

Iceburg the Meganium at Tao Ranch has a ton of spare veggies and fruit - pilfer some of his excess and give it to a nearby Slowpoke settlement in desperate need of aid.

Mission3 rogues syrup.png
Syrup the Skuntank is arriving in Tao Village for a Rogues-only ceremony in her honor. It’s being held in the auditorium beneath the law firm. Ensure that it goes smoothly and that Syrup wants to stay in the village- word has it that a bunch of Rescuers are going to try to crash the party!
Mission3 rogues zorua.png
Devonshire (...?) wants that PK’s item booth be trashed while she’s out on a mission. Do as he requests...?
  1. Find Devonshire in the dim cave
  2. Show your encounter with Degue the Terrakion
  3. Enter the Monochrome Tower
  4. Reach the altar at the basement of the tower
  5. Optional: Fight off PK and Chill to ensure they don’t reach their goal
  • Reach the veggie and fruit farm at Tao Ranch — Steal from Iceburg and deliver the food to a nearby Slowpoke settlement
  • Ensure a smooth ceremony for Syrup — Stop any Rescuer attempts at disrupting the ceremony. Convince her to stay in the village
  • Trash PK’s item booth while she’s out — Bring any goods or money obtained to a rock in a clearing of Illusory Woods