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Medals were created not to just acknowledge winners of past missions, but to also reward teams who left an impression on the judges and admins of the group.

Mission Medals

Mission 1 Mission 2 Mission 3 Mission 4 Mission 5
Medal m1.png
For placing in first in M1!
Medal m2.png
For placing in first in M2!
Medal m3.png
For placing in first in M3!
Medal m4.png
For placing in first in M4!
Medal m5.png
For placing in first in M5!


Golden Attendance Blinded by the Light Overall Excellence French Tickler Flash-tastic Arts and Crafts
Medal golden.png
You're the cream of the crop!
Medal blinded.png
Evolution of a Pokemon is excellently and artistically done.
Medal overallex.png
For continually creating a comic that many find enjoyable.
Medal ticker.png
You made each of us laugh with your antics.
Medal flash tastic.png
Created animated missions using Flash, that's effort!
Medal artsncrafts.png
Awarded for displaying your mission excellent in a non-traditional style.
Lexy's Ingenuity The Hardest Worker Budding Artist Eye of Devonshire Uguu
Medal smart lexy.png
Best method of outwitting Lexy.
Medal leon.png
The team with the most effort put into this group, congrats!
Medal budding artist.png
For showing improvement over the course of the group's existence.
Medal eye of devon.png
Devonshire hand picked and is closely watching you! (And your watercolors!)
Medal diabetes.png
Write a story so cute and sweet, you suffer from diabetes shortly after.


What team am I on again? Better Start Over No Barber in Tao Pants? Really? Blind judge Hot Dog! Mr. Pokeylope
Medal what team.png
Completely disregard your guild's code of conduct.
Medal better start over.png
Comics read from right to left.
Medal no barber.png
Pokemon have unnecessary hair.
Medal pants.png
"Awarded" for strange clothing.
Medal blind judge.png
Have an entry that is so poorly scanned that it causes the judge eye strain to read.
Medal hotdog.png
All Pokemon are dogs.
Medal pokeylope.png
Have a character who hasn’t contributed at all solve the entire mission


Assassin's Creed The List Odyssey Come back! What in the world is Arceus?
Medal ac.png
Have many death monologues.
Medal list.png
We'll never forget your entry... one way or another.
Medal odyssey.png
Write an epic that is highly acclaimed by all the judges but damn is it a long journey.
Medal comeback.png
Made an insanely good mission and was never heard from again!
Medal arceus.png
Portray a religious viewpoint that DOESN'T use Arceus.
Iliad Sort Of Definitely Merchants Heart! That means I go up a ladder! Kid's Game! An actual manga?!
Medal iliad.png
Much like the Odyssey, except not quite as loved by all.
Medal sort of merchant.png
Not exactly the backbone PK looks for, but can't help but commend for completing every job successfully
Medal heart.png
For creating board games as a mission entry!
Medal kid s game.png
Have a story with a highly sexualized theme and use it liberally.
Medal manga.png
Awarded for expertly designing your mission like a manga.
Brawn over Brains Death Note The Happy Merchant Fine Wine True Romantic
Medal beat lexy.png
Beat Lexy up instead of outwit him.
Medal death note.png
Complete the mission in a violent way while preaching a nonsensical monologue.
Medal happy merchant.png
For mentioning the most POKEMON BRAND PRODUCTS available at your local Kecleon store award.
Medal fine wine.png
For talking to Merlot.
Medal true romance.png
Have team members have a meaningful relationship that doesn't impede with the mission.
I failed Pokemon? You mean Powerplay WOO WOO WOO Slavery Berserker
Medal failed.png
Champ? More like CHUMP.
Medal powerplay.png
Have a single move have unreasonable power.
Medal woo.png
Portray the guild leaders in an extremely creepy way.
Medal slavery.png
Merlot has slaves instead of servants.
Medal berserker.png
Kill off the most pokemon in Mission 5.
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words Ingenious Team Name Hindsight is 20/20 What were we doing again?
Medal picture.png
Able to tell a story without any text in the comics.
Medal team name.png
Awarded, self-explanatory.
Medal hindsight.png
Write something completely opposite of canon which was established after the entry.
Medal what am i doing.png
Start on one mission but complete an unrelated one.


Wait, I can do that? I am the best accessory Long horn Try that again Sad Drunken Man
Medal katie.png
For Katie, for stretching the SmellingSalt's abilities.
Medal best accessory.png
For Treble.
Medal long horn.png
Award goes to Lear.
Medal try again.png
Award goes to Strum for having an awful one-liner.
Medal sad drunk.png
Award goes to Spencer for just... cheer up, it'll be okay.
I HAVE A SWORD WHERE DID HE GET THAT AXE? Most Gangster I have no friends Ooooh Mr. Soba
Medal sword.png
For Remington.
Medal axe.png
Medal gangsta.png
For Riley
Medal no friends.png
For Eva. Cheer up! You'll soon find your happiness!
Medal soba.png
For Lethine.