PMD-E IRC Reminder

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There are many people in the chatroom and multiple conversations may occur at once. If people seem to ignore you or do not respond to what you have to say, then the following has happened:

1] People are away from the chatroom. And this can mean literally away. There are multiple times where I have left my laptop to go chase Neko without announcing my leave. This can happen to others. OR a person can be occupied in another window (or another tab if you are using Mibbit, which you shouldn’t cuz its a sucky IRC client). Give people sometime to respond. If the person has not responded in a long time, then either ping them (ie write out their nickname) or send them a private message. If you have a question, ping one of the admins. There is always at least one admin available in the chat.

2] Other thing that may happen is people aren’t interested or have nothing to say in the topic at hand. The PMD-E chat isn’t just there to talk about nothing but PMD-E; its a place where PMD-E members and associates of the group gather and talk about different things. There are times where I find the current conversation not so interesting (such as LoL) so I will go and do other things and pop in the chat later. Don’t be offended or butthurt if no one present in the chat talks.

I’m sure there’s a third thing to mention but after reading the two scenarios above, you should get the idea.

The chat is fill with nothing but nice people. If you ever need a question answered right away or just wanna hang with the kool kids, feel free to drop by. We don’t bite hard.

See also