Mission 3 text

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Hey Rescue dudes and dudettes! It's that time again-- that's right-- adventure time! And this time we've got quite a doozy. Turns out this ol' garden rock we found is actually the key to getting into the mysterious Monochrome Tower that's been looming over just outside our village for who knows how long. No one really knows when or how that tower got there, or how to even get in since there’s no doors, but it holds a cool secret, and us Rescuers are going to figure out what it is! Oh, I should also mention that there's a few deadly traps and a snoozing dragon inside too, but it's really no big deal. I'm not sure why Mike's so worked up over it. It's not even awake! In fact that dragon is on our side, and it's going to help us and all the other Pokemon to see the truth, and then we can finally live in peace! No more plundering, no more injustice, no more bad guys or wrong-doings... just good times and lots of harmony. That's what we Rescuers strive for, after all!

There's just one problem: there's this weird Pokemon by the name of Estoc who's pretty persistent about us not obtaining our dreams, and that's just not cool! You'll know who he is right away; from Mike's description, he's a blue dude that struts around wearing the snazziest hat around with a feather in it. To be honest, it sounds like Mike has hat envy, heh... Anyways! This Estoc fella sounds like one serious guardian and even though I'm pretty sure I can handle it on my own, ya never know what might happen! That's where you cool 'mons come in. If possible, I'd like to not have to duke it out with this guy, but if it comes down to it and doing what's right for the sake of the truth, then we can't hold back!

And the thrills don't stop there! Both the Rogues and the Merchants are going to be rushing to the tower with their fancy rocks as well. And if I know those guys and their fancy rocks, then they’ve got some goals of their own! We have to fight for peace and justice! If those Merchants or no-good Rogues get there first, something bad is definitely gonna go down. Devonshire and PK are sure to be barreling over head-first to the tower as well. I hate to say it, but if we run into either of them they’ve gotta be stopped, guild leader or not. Just gotta keep cool! I know we can work together and do this. It's for the good of Pokemon everywhere!

I'll be waiting in the forest clearing right between the village and Monochrome Tower. If you get lost, just look for the big white and black stripes. You can't miss 'em! And if you can’t help out here, I’m sure there’s something that needs doing at the village! Be sure to watch out for those pesky Rogues... and Mike too!

Stay cool, Chill~


Hey all,

Well, it’s that time again. This time I need a bit of personal assistance. We have something pretty big we need to do... well, I won’t beat around the bush. We’re looking to awaken a dragon from its slumber. Have any of you ever been to that icy cavern out by that big tower? You know, that one place, Monochrome Tower? The cavern next to it? That place? Well, I’d hope you know of it. Anyway, the inner chamber has been sealed for as long as I’ve known of it, but I’ve actually found the key. Do any of you remember that rock? That stupid, useless, gray rock? As it turns out, it’s not so stupid and useless. It is gray, though.

I’ll just tell you... it’s not going to be very easy to get there. Normally it would be no problem to walk out there; it’s an hour or two of walking to get there, tops. You ought to know that. It’s just... ah, well, Shroomsworth told me about a talk he had with a certain Pokemon. I doubt any of you know what it is, but for the record, it’s a Virizion. I guess she’s named Coliche. There’ll be no mistaking her when she approaches, however. Apparently she has a pink hat with a spiffy little feather in it. She runs on all fours, he tells me, and is green. I believe Shroomy also told me she’s a guardian out by his village? (I do wonder why she couldn’t stop those Pokemon from getting kidnapped by Merlot earlier, though...)

Ahh... I guess I should mention why that’s relevant. Coliche is going to be attempting to stop us. I think it’s stupid of her to even try; why wouldn’t we want to obtain peace in the village? With the dragon in our grasp, no one’s going to dare fight over petty things. It’s supposedly a master at solving conflict and at helping come up with fair compromises. Doesn’t that sound like something we need? Doesn’t it? Isn’t everyone tired of the stupid conflicts between the Rogues and Rescuers yet?

Well... I’m tired of it. And guess what? Both of those guilds are up to something as well. They’ve both got a special stone like we do and they’re both trying to do something similar. But... how can they be aiming for peace if that’s what we’re doing? I don’t know why there are three stones, either, but it’s become a race to the finish. I’m pretty sure Devonshire and Chill are going to be headed to the tower. The Monochrome Tower. I’m only sure of this because I know that tower has no entrances, but I’m positive their stone’ll help them get in. You know, like our stone will help us get into the Icy Cave.

Okay. I think that covers most of it. Oh, no, I forgot something pretty important! We’re trying to get to the very center of the cave. There’s a little shrine in there, if my resources are correct, and we need to get the orb there. Rock. Stone, whatever. Oh yeah, I guess you wanna know about the dragon a little. I have no idea what it looks like, I just know there’s supposed to be a dragon that can solve our village problems if we go there. I don’t know its name, either. That Virizion wouldn’t spill the details to Shroomsworth, much to our disdain. It did slip the info about the stone being the key though, thankfully. It just means she knows our goal...

...so. I’m waiting in a little flowery grove between the cave and Tao Village. There should be a map in the letter. By the time you receive this letter, I’ll be there and waiting for teams to help. Do keep in mind: I’m staying at the flowery grove because if I get too close to that cave, Coliche is going to be after my tail. It’s a bit much for a single Pokemon to be transporting such an important item AND fighting off a legendary grass guardian, wouldn’t you agree? Even for a Kecleon such as myself.

Oh wait, I forgot something again! If you see Devonshire or Chill on the way, do your best to hinder their progress. When we meet up, we’re going to be making a beeline for the Icy Cave. If we see either of them (which is very likely) we’re going to need to stop them from completing their trip as long as it doesn’t impede ours.

So, I need as much help as I can get. That stupid icy cavern isn’t a place I’d prefer to go, really. Way too cold for my hot blood... so traveling through there’s going to be difficult for me as well.

I suppose that concludes it. Find me in the grove so we can head off. Every second you delay is a second that Devonshire or Chill could be enacting whatever their plan is. It’s imperative that we take head of the city, not them. We know that, as neutral Merchants, happiness would be at its peak and the city would be at its most peaceful if only we had control...

Don’t delay!



To my dearest Rogues,

By the time you read this, I will have already set off on my way to Monochrome Tower, stopping halfway for a brief respite and to await one team of you brave enough to come with me.

The bowling ball that we’ve come into possession a small while ago, in addition to being a most exquisite bowling ball... happens to be just one key out of many that can open the door to Monochrome Tower. This is good news for us, as it will allow us passage not only into the tower, but into the depths below... where nearly a mile of darkness and traps await any trespassers.

What we seek lies at the very bottom: an ancient dragon, slumbering... for now.

This is also bad news for us, as it is just one key of many.

The Rescuers have their hands on a similar ball, and although I am not sure they know its true purpose, I am unwilling to take any chances. We must beat them to Monochrome Tower and ensure that we reach our destination long before they reach theirs. They are sure to be nearby, and a simple race would not be to our advantage! Take the liberty in making sure they have some.. difficulties... traveling to their destination.

There stands between me and Monochrome Tower an overgrown horse who calls himself “Degue”. [[He has the audacity to attempt to stop us. Make sure an attempt is all it ever comes to.]]

I won’t say anything about the methods a professional uses. [[Do not disappoint me]]. Should they reach their destination before us, all of our hard work and plans towards a better world as we see it will be lost.

If we succeed, everything we’ve been working towards will be given... No, that’s not the right word..

We will have earned the ability to make everyone realize the power of our ideals. I need write nothing more. </nowiki>