PMDE talk:Community portal
What about some formatting extensions like Poem or something similar? Should help with formattings within stories a bit. JWNoctis 02:05, 7 April 2013 (PDT)
Ahm, hello. Been a while since I've had any free time to start looking into this wiki, but may I look into making the updates on the character pages? --Scaper 09:05, 9 April 2013 (PDT)
...Remy, you really don't need to ask. There are a lot of NPCs already on the list that need info from stories. Just start there. Updated by MissFluffyKitty
Is "Moth and Flame" an official story? JWNoctis 07:18, 13 April 2013 (PDT)
- Update: It is. Some contents are there now. JWNoctis 08:29, 13 April 2013 (PDT)
Note: Hariett - the cultist whose sneasel killed Winston - might or might not need her own wiki page, for the time being. JWNoctis 19:43, 13 April 2013 (PDT)
For Introduction page- there needs to be a general description of the group, like "based on the PMD games blah blah blah", and some other stuff. Any ideas? Updated by MissFluffyKitty
- A general description as well as a rundown of what the group exactly does, the best works of all times, a lot of useful links and maybe as well as a short version of the time line...This is supposed to be one of the core articles about the group itself. A discussion with PK would probably be necessery. JWNoctis 21:58, 16 April 2013 (PDT)
For Medals page, this is the page that will display all medals given out at the end of Arc 1, and soon Arc 2, but is there a way to organize them? Example, section for First Place medals, section for Parody medals, etc...? Updated by MissFluffyKitty
- What about -
First Place Second Place Third Place Participation badge Parody medals Put all medals here .
- Things similar to this - The formatting could obviously be much better, though. JWNoctis 21:58, 16 April 2013 (PDT)
Maybe there could be a separate page for basic rules and general guidelines? As of right now, most of these are scattered around the FAQ and the newbie guide, and some are not even written down. A good part of the questions on the group are about these - Although this has also encouraged people to ask more, which is a good thing. Ideas? JWNoctis 08:50, 18 April 2013 (PDT)
General Discussion
A test for sectioning the talk page.